These Are the Pups That Top the List of Smartest Dog Breeds

Gordon Setter

Hailing from Scotland and England, and named after a Duke, Gordon Setters are quite the royal breed. they were originally bred to hunt, in addition to their intelligence.

Welsh Terrier

Are known for their decision-making abilities and hunting tactics when put to the challenge.  these terriers are rambunctious at first for new owners, but with good training, these dogs become fiercely loyal and protective.

Border Collie

Are famous herders,canines are some of the most agile, balanced, and durable dogs around. Obedience training should start early, and mental stimulation is necessary to keep them happy.

Shetland Sheepdog

Is one of the most successful obedience breeds, they're eager to please their owners and once taught the basics during obedience training, they'll be set for life.

Alaskan Husky

Alaskan Huskies are "pack animals" and in your family "pack," the leader must be you. Translation? You had better train them to respect your authority, or they'll overtake you pretty easily. 

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The late Queen of England didn't just pick any dog to stay by her side for years and years. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is affectionate (without being needy), loyal, and simply smart. 

Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers are actually traditional "waterdogs," who originally had jobs many years ago hunting ducks and accompanying fishermen. 


Rottweilers are a classic working dog breed and often serve in police forces or to assist those with poor eyesight. Rottweilers thrive in disciplined, well-mannered environments with little roughhousing.

Doberman Pinscher

Dobermans are fierce protectors that are easily trained from the day they are born.being a guard dog is a natural instinct to them, so they are extremely protective of their owners.